Deliver Mutual Benefits & Growth, Measure Tangible Results & Drive Long-Term Collaboration With

Strategic, Purpose-Driven & High-Impact
Corporate Charity Partnerships

A One-Day, Industry-Led Conference & Networking Exhibition, Central London, 15th October 2024

08.15 Registration, Informal Networking & GIC Welcome

09.00 Morning Co-Chairs’ Opening Remarks

Eugenie Teasley, Head of Impact, Amazon UK

Samir Patel, CEO, Comic Relief



09.10 Maintain & Strengthen Resilient Partnerships That Add Long-Term Value & Drive Sustainable Growth In Trying Times

  • One size doesn’t fit all, so what are the key criteria for a successful partnership? What innovative, out-of-the-box approaches are working for others today?
  • Hybrid working, the cost-of-living crisis, the post-covid landscape, an election year… how is the modern world challenging partnerships, and how can these challenges be overcome?
  • Ensure partnerships aren’t one-sided or transactional, and add measurable value by promoting skill-sharing, volunteering, sharing of resources and more
  • Uncover strategic tips for finding the perfect partner to align on your purpose, goals, and priorities

David Luckin, Head of Community Funding & Partnerships, Co-Op

Michelle Lee-Izu, Corporate Director of Development & Innovation, Barnardo’s


09.30 Ensure Efficient & Effective Purpose Alignment By Setting Clear, Achievable & Mutually-Supportive Goals

  • What are the key criteria that corporates and charities look for in a value-aligned partnership? How can both sides tailor messaging and content to streamline the search for the perfect partner?
  • Strike the right balance and promote transparency and open communication that helps both partners to accommodate each other’s expectations and drives mutual benefit
  • Set and maintain clear goals, and harness the latest measurements and performance metrics to keep things on track and foster sustainable growth
  • No one right answer! With multiple significant causes, pressures, and responsibilities, how can partnerships adapt to changing Gen Z expectations while staying true to a core charitable purpose?

Delphine Bouchereau-Mazillier, Chief Purpose Officer, Decathlon UK

Melissa Franklin, Marketing Director, ParkPlay


09.50 Navigate The Ongoing Cost-Of-Living Crisis With Out-Of-The-Box Strategies, Shared Resources & Non-Financial Solutions

  • Doing more with less: with restricted donations and charitable giving, how can charities continue to gain resources, and use those resources to support the communities around them?
  • Corporates can invest heavily in one major partnership, or diversify across a number of smaller programmes – what are the pros and cons of these approaches?
  • What innovations and strategies can be offered by both parties to strengthen partnerships and navigate trying times?
  • More than money: assess the merits and benefits of volunteering schemes, skill-sharing and other strategies that go beyond the purely financial

Kerry Potter, Group Social Impact & Vulnerability Manager, SGN

Lily Whitlam, Senior Partnerships Manager, Marie Curie

10.10 Bonus Session; Reserved For Trust Impact 

Measurement, Impact & ROI

“In terms of mutual trust and visibility between us as a funder and our partners, it’s been a game-changer.”
— Julia Dwyer, Cadent Foundation Director

Discover how the dynamics of Funder/Charity partnerships are being transformed through live data sharing and data visualization. Learn how through innovative approaches charities and corporate partners are able to see their impact as it happens, fostering greater transparency, accountability, and insight. This real-time visibility helps everyone respond more effectively to needs

Matt Stevenson-Dodd, Founder & CEO, Trust Impact

10.25 Morning Refreshment Break With Informal Networking

10.55 Bonus Session; Reserved For Neighbourly

Steve Butterworth, CEO, Neighbourly

NEW! Tailor Your Day - Select A Hosted Stream:



11.10 Tap Into The Corporate Mindset To Understand What Their Key Criteria Are & How You Can Best Maximise Your Impact

  • Assess corporate goals and objectives in choosing a charity partner, what key points they are looking to hit, and how you can best position yourself to fulfil these needs
  • How can you harness content, messaging, and pitching skills to truly showcase the value you can add, and to capture attention and engagement?
  • Corporates must sift through application after application… how can you stand out from the crowd? What will truly catch their eye?
  • Forward momentum: once a partnership is in place, how can you ensure that goals are maintained and promises delivered on?

Lydia van den Dries, Corporate & Foundation Philanthropy Relationship Manager, University of York

Henry Ellinger-Gane, Senior Partnership Development Manager, Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity

Aisling Gilsenan, Senior Impact Manager, Corporate Partnerships, Macmillan Cancer Support



11.10 Define Clear & Understandable Corporate Goals That Put Social Responsibility Front & Centre, To Foster Aligned & Impactful Charity Partnerships

  • How can corporates adapt their goals and priorities to promote ESG and social purpose while maintaining core principles?
  • Explore the powerful two-way impact that a strong corporate-charity partnership can foster in supporting each other’s goals
  • How can clear corporate purpose inform charity partnerships decisions? What are the key alignment criteria to consider when choosing a partner?
  • What are the different ways that corporate purpose results can be measured, and what are the best metrics to highlight your success stories?

Sascha Chennell, Global Community Impact Manager, Kingfisher plc

Laura Macshane, Manager, Community, Virgin Atlantic

Lindsey Crompton, Ethics & Sustainability Lead, John Lewis Partnership

Raphaella Gordon-Saker, Social Impact Manager, Formula E


11.40 Deliver Real Value & Genuine Engagement With Innovative Volunteering Programmes That Promote Skill-Sharing & Truly Benefit Both Parties

  • Go beyond box-ticking exercises and photo opportunities with mutually-beneficial volunteering schemes that work for everybody
  • Dig deeper with out-of-the-box opportunities that utilise unique skillsets and promote meaningful impact, rather than feeling like an obligation
  • Boost corporate buy-in by demonstrating added value with exciting programmes that foster genuine volunteer engagement
  • What are the current trends in volunteering, and how will they shape the future?

Jade Baker, Community Programmes Manager, Virgin Media O2

Matt Hayes, Corporate Partnerships Manager, Sense


12.00 Maximise Limited Resources With Smart-Thinking Innovations That Boost Results Without Breaking The Bank

  • Success on a shoestring! How can smaller charities optimise and streamline in order to achieve as much as possible on a limited budget?
  • With the cost-of-living crisis causing some corporations to tighten purse-strings, what are the most innovative ways that they can add real value in the charity sector?
  • How can corporates and charities share their resources to cut costs and offer mutual support?
  • Affordable tech: what are the latest tech and digital innovations that can be adapted to smaller charities?

Jeff Woyda, Chair of Trustees, The Clarkson Foundation

Ben Skelton, Chief Executive, Dig Deep



12.20 Capture Employee Attention & Boost Proactive Engagement With Innovative Comms & Eye-Catching Strategies That Truly Speak To Your People

  • Boost value-adding volunteering uptake with high-impact programmes built around a clear corporate purpose
  • Utilise different channels and content to deliver cut-through messaging that raises awareness and genuine interest
  • How can corporate-charity partnerships be positioned and promoted within internal comms to boost engagement, both from employees and senior management?
  • Across different demographics, ages and working models, how can you tailor your messaging to grab attention and generate emotional investment from a diverse workforce?

Forida Islam, Global Community Engagement Manager, Lloyd’s

Tracey Fuller, UK Head of Community Engagement & Impact, BNP Paribas

Shane Mulchrone, Group Social Impact Manager, Dalata Hotel Group

Linzi Morgan, Community Comms & Engagement Manager, Yorkshire Building Society

Fiona Baxter Giving Strategy & Programmes Manager, Sustainable Banking, NatWest Group

12.50 Bonus Session; Reserved For whatimpact

How the mandatory social value requirements in Public Sector contracts impact the charity-corporate partnership structures, processes, and reporting.

Tiia Sammallahti, CEO and Founder, whatimpact

13.05 Lunch & Informal Networking For Speakers, Delegates & Partners

Informal Breakout Discussions


A) Digital Poverty

Sassaka Amena, Senior Community Partnership Officer, London Borough of Camden

B) Fundraising 

Dan Zastawny, Associate Director of Corporate & Foundation Philanthropy, University of York

C) Influence of Politics

D) Hybrid Working’s Impact

Victoria Floyd, Head of Corporate Partnerships, National Trust

Catherine McCallum, Corporate Partnerships Manager, National Trust

E) Gaming 

F) AI & New Tech Applications

14.05 Afternoon Chair’s Opening Remarks

Sacha Dench, CEO, Conservation Without Borders

14.15 Bonus Session; Reserved For Exclusive Conference Partner



14.30 Your Chance To Pitch! Hear Live Examples & Expert Feedback From Our Corporate Panel, Highlighting The Keys Do’s & Don’ts


Becca Stimson, Senior New Partnerships Manager, Marie Curie

Corporate Panel:

Jenni Hammond, Senior ESG Manager, Royal Mail Group

Rachel Butler, Corporate Charity & Volunteering Manager, Clarion Housing Group


15.00 Showcase Success & Demonstrate Real, Measurable Value In Both ROI & Social Impact

  • Not everyone has the same priorities! Assess the different metrics that can demonstrate your partnership’s value, including non-financial measures, to find the ones that work best for your organisation
  • Secure senior corporate buy-in with proven ROI, while also demonstrating progressive social value, raised awareness and quality-of-life impacts
  • How can corporates and charities collaborate to contribute towards shared goals and targets?
  • Translate raw data into a clear narrative, and understand how and when to adapt strategies that aren’t telling the full story

Genna Douglas, Charities Creative Coordinator, Next

Lucas Whitehead, Head of Marketing & Partnerships, ANDYSMANCLUB


15.20 Drive Long-Term Change & Responsible Impact With ESG Initiatives That Put Sustainability & Climate Issues Front & Centre

  • Mitigate the fear of greenwashing by exploring and implementing practical and actionable steps that aren’t just for show
  • Food waste, homelessness, carbon footprints… what are the most pressing social issues where charities and corporations can foster real change?​
  • Deep-dive into collaborative strategies for corporates and charities to align their purposes and pool resources for mutual benefit
  • Showcase your social agenda and green credentials to boost reputational resilience and long-term client loyalty

Hannah Cornick, Head of Sustainability & Social Innovation, Danone

Sophie Tebbetts, CEO, FoodCycle

15.40 Bonus Session; Reserved For Exclusive Conference Partner

15.55 Afternoon Refreshment Break With Informal Networking

16.25 Bonus Session; Reserved For Exclusive Conference Partner



16.40 Maintain & Strengthen Resilient Partnerships That Add Long-Term Value & Drive Sustainable Growth In Trying Times

  • One size doesn’t fit all, so what are the key criteria for a successful partnership? What innovative, out-of-the-box approaches are working for others today?
  • Hybrid working, the cost-of-living crisis, the post-covid landscape, an election year… how is the modern world challenging partnerships, and how can these challenges be overcome?
  • Ensure partnerships aren’t one-sided or transactional, and add measurable value by promoting skill-sharing, volunteering, sharing of resources and more
  • Uncover strategic tips for finding the perfect partner to align on your purpose, goals, and priorities

Holli Kellett, Charity Specialist, Morrisons

Aimee Hayhurst, Morrisons Lead Partnership Manager, Together For Short Lives


17.00 Exclusive Corporate Charity Partnership Case Study With Penguin Random House UK & Runnymede Trust: Lit In Colour

This session will focus on the issue of the lack of diversity in the teaching of English Literature in UK schools. It will detail how Penguin Books and Runnymede Trust have partnered over the last four years to build a social impact education campaign that is responding to this complex systemic issue. The founding partners will discuss impact and challenges to date, in addition to their approach to convening stakeholders across the publishing and education sectors. They will also highlight the support the two organisations have drawn from the partnership more broadly that has benefited their wider work and activities.

Dr Zaahida Nabagereka, Senior Social Impact Manager, Penguin Random House UK

Alba Kapoor, Head of Policy, Runnymede Trust



17.20 Refresh & Revitalise Your Partnership Roadmaps With Out-Of-The-Box Ideas That Can Boost Engagement, Maximise Resources & Drive Impactful Results

  • What does the future of corporate charity partnerships look like? What new developments are likely to impact or disrupt the sector?
  • Out with the old! Get inspired with inventive and innovative partnership initiative examples, to spark new ideas and new approaches
  • The world of work is changing… how can corporate charity partnerships keep up? What fresh strategies can inspire and engage the modern workforce?
  • Develop new fundraising and skill-sharing programmes that are adaptable to modern priorities while still keeping corporate purpose at their heart

Hamzah Sarwar, Global Social Impact & Partnerships Director, Reckitt

Rachael Conroy, Head of Partnership Development – UK & Europe, Movember

Julie Rousseau, Partnership Manager, Business with CARE, CARE International

17.50 Afternoon Chair’s Closing Remarks & Official Close Of Conference